Information for patients


Usually, it is possible to considerably alleviate pressure pain. However, a significant change of the shape of the leg is in most cases hardly attainable.

Treatments for lipoedema
There is currently no cure for the symptoms. However, various non-invasive therapeutic measures can help to reduce the symptoms.

Conservative treatment
Conservative treatment should always precede a surgical option. If necessary, this treatment begins with decongestive therapy, which includes compression bandages and possibly manual lymphatic drainage. The therapy is then continued with
- Wearing a suitable compression device (cycling shorts, leggings, tights, cuffs, etc.)
- An anti-inflammatory Mediterranean or ketogenic diet
- Adapted physical activity, favouring water sports
- Manual lymphatic drainage for maintenance depending on the level of pain
These measures can also be used from the start of treatment if decongestive therapy has not proved necessary.
The use of intermittent pneumatic compression with pressure gradients (pressotherapy), applied by the therapist and/or at home, helps to reduce the feeling of heaviness and pain in the limbs and can slow down the progression of the disease.

Surgical treatments
Liposuction is currently the favoured surgical technique for removing abnormal fat tissue. Its effectiveness in terms of volume and pain as well as its long-term benefits have been proven. It also slows the progression of the condition and should be performed before the disabilities and complications associated with lipoedema develop.
To maintain the benefits of liposuction in the long term, stabilisation of body weight is essential.
In severe stages of lipoedema, dermatolipectomy may be considered. As this is a serious surgical procedure, it is only possible in patients without major comorbidities.