Who we are


Didier Tomson

Physiotherapist, Heart and Vessels Department, Angiology Division, CHUV Lausanne
Vice-president of LymphoSuisse LS

Dr. med. Claudia Rauh

PD Dr. med.; Senior Physician, Head of Senology; Department of Gynaecology, Inselspital Bern; Member of the Advisory Board of the Swiss Society of Senology SGS

Prof. Lucia Mazzolai

MD, Ph.D, Head of Angiology Division, Director of the Heart and Vessel Departement CHUV Lausanne
Member of the Board of Directors of the Swiss Angiological Society SGA

Florian Wallner

Orthopedic technician master
President Association Ortho-Reha Suisse
Director Ortho-Reha Wallner SA